Thursday, June 25, 2009

Aye yo he had to go out like that? - That's Bugg!

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Wow my first male idol besides Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest today. He was 50, & I was waiting for a come back..
Guess I'm gonna pay my respects watching movies like The Wiz, watching lots of "Thriller" & "Billie Jean"..& singing "Human Nature" with far more passion that I usually do it. I hope now my pops gives me his MJ Collection - Michael I held it down for you when my peers tried to play you..I had numerous dreams about you giving me "Thee Glove"..anyone could tell ya
I watched ya concerts & reunion stuff when noone I knew watched it on tv,
& I love the movie The Jackson:All American Family.
When they said you touched little males I didn't believe it!
What did they did to your reputation did not harm your talent or my admiration of you. How will CB dance now..or Usher..or who will Will.i.Am produce a 50 year anniversary
I'ma make that mixtape yo!
After I bought the 25 Anniversary of Thriller I watched the dvd all day & night to dance in front of my peers in the gym, it was mad funny too.
I moved around furniture & I was illing to get it the day it came out. It never left my sight, & it was in moms car 24/7, she had to practically make me press eject!
But it's not official yet tho, I wish you could read this tho.
I just feel mad played yo because it not fair..first Pac now this!
"& dese bitches keep sayin da man not dead..if u cnt breath wat are u?
especially if u been in the hospital for over 5 hours/? it will take a mirical
trellis said she goin to his fuckin funeral"
& I'm like:
"yeeaaaaah then what are you??"
If I could go to the funeral I'd make a road trip..but all I can do is light candles & sit..
*Pops just call, he say we'll mourn together,
R.I.P. MJ!!
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The most heart felt MJ song to me..

1 comment:

    & yes jamieka i remember the "glove" dream =]
    god bless his soul
